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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Getting ready for Disney........

Going to Disney world is supposed to be a magical experience. Yeah right... for the kids maybe. I had an anxiety attack last night thinking that I had already forgotten something, and we have not even left yet. I think it was socks that hit my brain. Anywho, we are packing today and I even bought a book on what to bring, where to pee, what to see and so forth. Have I read the book yet, No, but I have it. I figure Andrew can read it on the way down due to me having motion sickness. So, the list has started and as my brain continues to t hink of things, it goes on the list. Am I excited, yes. Am I nervous about everything right now, yes. I play the "what if" game in my head too much. I try to plan out a senario for each possible event in my li fe. Am I paranoid, kind of.... The Holy Spirit is working with me on these issues.... :) This is my last blog for a while.... Thanks to all my faithful friends/family who have told me that they read my thoughts. I kind of like blogging, it is kindof like therapy, only no one looks you in the face and tells you what to do or change. HA! To all, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and don't eat too much.